Quitting social media

A few weeks ago, a petty tyrant mod on reddit got under my skin. I decided to take the rest of August off of social media and… I didn’t regret it?

My brain has had more space in it the last while. I don’t have the same automatic responses to being bored. I killed my Twitter account, am about to kill my reddit account, and Instagram is relegated to the mobile webpage.1

It’s felt so good that I want to keep it this way. Everyone and their mother has been saying to blog or write a newsletter instead of social media, so I’m jumping on the bandwagon.

A good place…

I hope to blog semi-regularly on a schedule I haven’t settled on yet. My topics will be chosen as I take photos and learn about taking photos. That will mean some process posts, sharing projects and results, and talking about the philosophy and art guiding my work.

To have bad ideas

I also intend to share mistakes, rough ideas, works in progress, and other ephemera. It’s my space, and I’ll run it how I please.

If you want to see my polished work, first of all thank you! Check out my portfolio. This blog is very much not that.

Going forward

Who knows, this may not work out for me. I’m not making any promises just yet. But I’m going to give it a real try.

The benefit of the silence in the wake of social media has been thought. I’ve thought, a lot. Sometimes it hurt yuk yuk. And I want to continue to develop those thoughts about the artistic work of myself and others, so I need a place to do that.

Here’s to new beginnings.

  1. Instagram have made this an awful experience. Don’t be like Instagram. ↩︎