Some photos I like at 35mmc

This set of photos from Iceland popped up in my feed reader and I really liked it so I wanted to link it on. I really like the grainy and dramatic images.

November 29, 2021 · me

I have a point of view

I know what I want to say when I photograph people. I may not yet know exactly what I want to say with a specific person, but in general I know what my stance/position is when I photograph a person. When I photograph still lifes and abstract scenes, I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I don’t think I have a philosophy for those photographs. No agenda. I will admit to having an agenda with portraits....

October 20, 2021 · me

Encore Records

October 10, 2021 · me


Friends are helpful. Any number of studies will tell you that having friends has beneficial effects, like delaying the onset of dementia. But even better is a community. In the context of art and photography, a community helps push you question you celebrate you amplify you I met up with my friend Andrew this week on a visit to Maine, and we spent a few hours shooting the shit and talking about life and art....

September 23, 2021 · me

I don't want to be extremely online

Did you know extremely online is a thing? I kind of did, but mostly forgot. Then I remembered thanks to this interview. I don’t want to be extremely online. I have struggled with electronic devices since I got my first gen iPod Touch with a MacBook for school. Tower defense games, Twitter, email, Instagram. The distractions go on and on. And the Internet just makes them worse. It’s not my fault....

September 17, 2021 · me